2024 Call for Officer Nominations
Serving as a leader in NPAA offers great opportunities to build professional networks with other nursing professionals and support the legislative process. Take an opportunity to get involved! Feel free to nominate yourself or another NPAA member.
Regular Election for 2024-2026 term of office.
The NPAA Nominating Committee has opened its 2024 Call for Nominations for the following offices who will serve during 2024-2026 term:
VP for Community Affairs: Shall coordinate any events, including the annual meeting (in coordination with the President). The VP for Community Affairs will chair the Annual Conference Committee and may take on special tasks as designated by the President.
VP for Policy: Shall be familiar with and represent NPAA on all matters related to NP policy matters. The VP for Policy serves as the Parliamentarian, chairs the Legislative Committee, and may take on special tasks as designated by the President.
Treasurer: Shall maintain records of accounts, including all bank deposits and disbursements. The Treasurer shall be co-signer of all bank accounts with the President and President-elect; is responsible for preparing an annual budget to be approved by the Executive Committee, and serves as the chair of the Finance Committee. Note: All financial records will be audited prior to the treasurer taking office.
Two (2) Student Members-at-Large shall serve on the Steering Committee for a one (1) year term. Student Members-at-Large will be elected annually.
Nominations End September 15, 2024
Submit Nominations Here