Dr. Eileen Meyer, DNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC

JULY 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to two important events that are shaping the future of our organization. First, join us for our Join & Learn event at Staks in Auburn on July 13, 2024. This event promises valuable networking opportunities and a chance to reconnect with colleagues. It's also the perfect occasion to discuss the latest developments that is shaping our practice environment.

Additionally, we are excited to announce the launch of our new Continuing Education Unit (CEU) program. This program is designed to provide you with the latest educational resources and ensure you stay at the forefront of healthcare practice. We encourage all members to take advantage of this new initiative and contribute to its success.

In other news, we are currently seeking nominations for officer positions within NPAA. This is your opportunity to nominate individuals who embody the spirit of leadership and are committed to advancing the role of nurse practitioners in Alabama. Your participation in this process is crucial to the continued growth and effectiveness of our organization.

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate our annual conference in November, which will be held in Birmingham. This event promises to be a highlight of our year, featuring informative sessions, networking opportunities, and the chance to celebrate our achievements as a community.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to the Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama. Together, we can continue to elevate our profession and make a positive impact on healthcare in our state.

Best Regards,

Eileen Meyer, DNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC

MAY 2024

Dear Colleagues,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to address the recent concerns raised by many of our members regarding the collaborative practice CME that took place at the Medical Association’s Annual Session on April 11, 2024.

I had the opportunity to speak with the newly-elected Chair of the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners (BME), Dr. Max Rogers, MD, to voice our concerns regarding the content of the event. I am pleased to report that our conversation was very productive. Dr. Rogers apologized for any derogatory content aimed at advanced practice providers and assured me that these sentiments are not endorsed by the BME. He assured me that corrective action has already been taken to ensure that such a situation will not occur again in the future.

Dr. Rogers also expressed a desire during his chairmanship, to work together with our organization to establish open channels of communication and to promote progressive change that is mutually beneficial to both professions. I am encouraged by his commitment to collaboration and look forward to working with him and the BME on issues of importance to us all.

In light of this, I urge all members to continue to engage and to provide feedback on future events and initiatives. Your input is invaluable and will help to shape the future of collaborative practice. I would like to thank all of you who reached out to express your concerns as your engagement is invaluable. It is through open communication and dialogue that we can continue to advocate for our profession and work towards positive change.

Thank you again for your continued support and engagement.

Best Regards,

Eileen Meyer, DNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC

APRIL 2024

Dear Members,

As the Alabama Legislative session draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to update you on our ongoing efforts and the progress we've made thus far. Our association has been vigilantly monitoring several key bills that indirectly impact our profession and the healthcare landscape in our state. Specifically, we have been closely watching the physical therapy bill, the state health officer bill, and the certified professional midwives bill. These pieces of legislation have the potential to shape the future of our practice, and it's imperative that we remain actively engaged in the legislative process.

I am pleased to report that our recent legislative reception in April was a resounding success, with a strong turnout from key stakeholders, including approximately 17 legislators. This event provided us with a valuable opportunity to advocate for our profession and discuss the importance of the bills under consideration.

Additionally, I am proud of the hard work and dedication displayed by our executive committee and steering committee. Over the past few months, these committees have been instrumental in developing multiple policies addressing finance, marketing, and nomination processes within our association. Their commitment to advancing our goals and objectives is commendable, and I am confident that their efforts will continue to drive our association forward.

As we gear up for our annual conference in November, I want to extend a warm invitation to all members to participate in this exciting event. The call for abstracts is now open, providing you with an opportunity to showcase your expertise and contribute to the collective knowledge of our association. Our conference, to be held in Birmingham, promises to be a dynamic gathering filled with informative sessions, networking opportunities, and engaging discussions. I look forward to seeing each of you there and witnessing the invaluable connections forged among peers from across the state.

I'm pleased to highlight the efforts of BJ Haamankuli and his committee, who have been diligently working to enhance our presence on social media platforms. Their efforts have already begun to yield results, amplifying our message and reaching a broader audience. Additionally, I want to commend Brandy Young for her outstanding work in establishing the NPAA PAC and drafting its bylaws. The PAC presents a crucial opportunity for us to collectively advocate for our profession and support candidates who align with our values. I encourage members from all corners of the state to consider joining this important committee and contributing to its mission.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our association.

Best Regards,

Eileen Meyer, DNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC

MARCH 2024

Dear Colleagues,

As the legislative session unfolds, we find ourselves amidst a flurry of significant issues. The discussions surrounding gambling, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and IVF bills are at the forefront, shaping the future of our state. Of particular interest to us is the debate surrounding the state health officer's role and reporting structure, with several bills introduced on this matter. Additionally, we are closely monitoring the Physical Therapy scope of practice bill, the first to be referred to the new House Health Scope of Practice Review Subcommittee. Our attendance at subcommittee meetings underscores our commitment to understanding and influencing this process.

In other important news, we have formally requested that Alabama Medicaid review our proposal for nurse practitioners to be reimbursed for nonsurgical fracture codes. This initiative aligns with our ongoing efforts to expand access to care and recognizes the vital role NPs play in our healthcare system. Furthermore, our work towards the ability to perform AHSAA sports physicals without a physician signature continues. We are actively seeking letters of support from regulatory boards and rely on the powerful stories of our patients and members to illustrate the barriers we aim to overcome.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all members who have dedicated their time and effort to be present at the state house during this legislative session. Your presence and engagement are invaluable as we strive to build strong relationships with lawmakers and stakeholders. It is through these relationships that we can effectively advocate for the needs of nurse practitioners and advance our shared goals. Thank you for your unwavering commitment and for being a driving force in our ongoing efforts.

Your dedication and support are crucial as we navigate these complex issues. Your voices, experiences, and stories are the driving force behind our advocacy efforts. Together, we can continue to advance the role of nurse practitioners in Alabama and ensure access to quality care for all.

Best Regards,

Eileen Meyer, DNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC

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  PO Box 695, Decatur, AL 35602

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  PO Box 695, Decatur, AL 35602

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